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Past Life Regression

A first hand account of a Past Life Regression from one of my clients printed here with her permission.


 "Hello Erica, Ive been thinking a lot about the past life regression we did a few weeks back and especially today I felt like I finally figured it out. The past life I experienced with the garden in Japan, the shrine with the light, and feeling like I was taking care of it, it really makes me think about my ancestors. All those people that came before me and made my life possible. The light in the shrine is my life and I have been given an incredible gift that has been passed along and taken care of, protected and cherished through each generation. It is also something I need to remember to cherish. Every step, every decision, every joy and every pain of all my family before me is important. I remind myself that it is a journey and not something to just let pass by. It is a gift that once given to me only I am responsible for, which is why, when visualizing it I found myself alone with the shrine. I had that sense of my family nearby, but not there, and the feeling of guarding the shrine. I feel like the men I was speaking to in the traditional house are all those people or thoughts that try to take control of your life, either in a good or bad way. And yet I still felt in that moment like I was in charge and I still had the final say. Which in regards to my life, I do. I remind myself that I am in charge, I have control, and what I have is special. This is what that experience has given me and I remind myself of this often. Maybe some days I forget, maybe some days I let negative thoughts cloud my mind, but deep down I have this light that is important and that I love and truly accept. :) I think I get caught up in thinking of the responsibility of it all, how it can sometimes feel like the weight of the world and how sometimes it would be easier to ignore it completely. But I don't think there is the choice to ignore it. It will keep going with or without me, and I shouldn't get too caught up in the responsibility or expectations of it. Just enjoy the journey and do the best I can. I wanted to thank you again Erica, this experience with you has been truly a great one and your guidance throughout is whole-heartedly appreciated. Thank you. "


What is Past Life Regression?

Past Life Regression is a way to access memories and information stored in the sub-conscious mind. A session of Past Life Regression can be enlightening and intriguing as connections between past events and your current life are revealed.

This in depth exploration can sometimes uncover the root cause of problems like fears and phobias or patterns of negative behaviour or limiting beliefs.

Everyone experiences Past Life Regression in their own unique way. Each persons journey will be different as will the insights and wisdom that come out of the session.

Past Life Regression is a fascinating and helpful tool for personal growth, fullfillment and resolution.


How does Past Life Regression work?

Past Life Regression uses deep relaxation to bypass the conscious mind and allow memories and information to come to the surface.

Anyone can benefit from Past Life Regression. It does not matter if you believe in reincarnation or past lives. What is important is that the information uncovered during the session is coming from deep within the subconscious mind and this kind of information can be significant, revealing and even life changing.


Does research support Past Life Regression?

Dr. Brian Weiss is a leading authority in the field of past-life therapy. He is a graduate of Columbia University and Yale Medical School, and is Chairman Emeritus of Psychiatry at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami. Dr. Weiss has helped thousands connect with their past lives and experience tremendous healing.




"... patients are able to examine the experiences that seemed to have formed the roots of their current fears and phobias...and if you can connect your current fears to a past life, those fears will often disappear."   

Brian Weiss, MD

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